ApacheLogs2MySQL consists of two Python Modules & one Database Schema apache_logs to automate importing Access & Error files and normalizing data into database designed for reports & data analysis.
Runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Database runs on MySQL and MariaDB.
4 LogFormats & 2 ErrorLogFormats can be loaded and 6 Stored Procedures can be processed in a single Python `ProcessLogs function` execution.
Database Schema designed to accommodate unlimited Servers & Domains. Step-by-step guide for easy installation.
Screenshots of Process Messages and Benchmarks for MariaDB version 11.8 and MySQL version 9.2.
MySQL2ApacheECharts consists of Express web application frameworks with Drill Down Capability & Apache ECharts frameworks for Log Data Visualization in charts, reports & data analysis interfaces of Database Schema apache_logs created by ApacheLogs2MySQL
Application is currently in early stages of development with initial release scheduled for March.
Database Schema apache_logs currently has 55 Tables, 908 Columns, 188 Indexes, 72 Views, 8 Stored Procedures and 90 Functions to process Apache Access log in 4 formats & Apache Error log in 2 formats. Database normalization at work!